Hey everyone! Remember me? That’s right, it’s
me, Until. I know it’s been a
minute, and I’m sorry I left you hanging but I had to take an abrupt hiatus to
deal with life for a second and put the finishing touches on a long awaited
dream of mine, and make it back to share it with you.
Now, I’ve been giving you “Until’s Book of the Week”
on the radio and in the California Crusaders Newspaper (CCN), for a good two
years and I have to say, although I’ve enjoyed sharing them all; however, this
one, is near and dear to my heart. Well, what’s so special about this one you
This time, the “Until’s Book of the Week” is introducing yours truly, me. Black Swan Publishing presents, my very
first poetry edition, I Just Want to
Write! Hooray! Aren’t you proud of me?

I Just Want to Write, is my soul inscribed for all to bear. If you would like to purchase my book please visit my website at www.untilnomore.net and please keep an eye out for my line of greeting cards come January called Simple Treasures. Until next time, keep reading, especially, my book. *Smile*
***This article has been published in the California Crusaders Newspaper - the week of December 25th - December 31st in Volume 26 No. 52. http://calcrusnews.com/index.html